The exp-log normal form of formulas (Oct 14, talk at Type Theory and Realizability Workgroup, Paris)

Abstract: Logical incarnations of type isomorphism include the notions of constructive cardinality of sets and strong intuitionistic equivalence of formulas. These are challenging to study in simultaneous presence of functions (exponentials) and sums (disjoint unions, disjunction). In this talk, I will present a quasi-normal form of types that arises from the decomposition of binary exponentiation into the unary exponentiation and logarithm. This normal form can be applied for disentangling the equational theory (beta-eta) of the lambda calculus with sums. By an extension of the normal form from simple types (propositional logic) to quantifiers, one can also retrieve an “arithmetical” hierarchy for intuitionistic first order logic. Finally, this suggests a sequent calculus for intuitionistic logic that uses the notation of exponential polynomials and removes the need for most of the invertible proof rules of usual sequent calculi.

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